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Toddler Clinic

The toddler years are fantastic. Your baby has transformed into a tottering, toddling bundle of energy.  You’ll notice their words becoming more defined and linking together to make coherent instructions. They’ll be rushing, running and probably falling and crashing as they refine their motor skills. And playtime takes on a whole new dimension with fantasy worlds and make-believe friends.

You’ll also have heard the expression “Terrible Twos” (and Terrible threes or fours for most) where your every suggestion will be challenged, demands will have to be met immedately for fear of instant meltdown, and your once “foodie” baby eyes your cottage pie suspiciously for signs of hidden vegetables. But it’s also a time for you to have fun together.  And through many day-to-day experiences you'll guide the development of their character, build their confidence, instill some social niceties and help them on their way to making friends.

Toddler Health

Tummy troubles – dealing with them and avoiding them Tummy upsets in small children are common and can be caused by all kinds of things. Most are not serious but with good habits and reading the signs of illness, you can help to stop them becoming a problem.


Encouraging first words
There is no reason why you can’t start encou...

Toddler Health

After the series of vaccinations offered to babies...


Dealing with the biting habit
Most babies who are teething will try to bite you ...

First Aid

Head Injuries - what to do and what to look out for
Emma Hammett of First Aid for Life explains how to


Books and reading
With shop displays groaning with books, the temptation is to home in on the familiar faces we knew as children – Winnie the Pooh, Peter Rabbit, Madeline, Orlando the Marmalade Cat. Such legendary characters rightly endure, but what of more recent and emerging talent? What are today’s classics for the under 5s, how do we spot one, and how do we navigate our way around the oceans of children’s literature and related events?


Encouraging adventurous toddler tastes
Small children can develop obsessive food habits – we all probably know a child who only eats jam sandwiches and bananas, but hopefully it’s not our own offspring! Luckily, after weaning many toddlers will try most foods unless they really are strong tasting.

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