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3 - 5yrs Clinic

For the first few years of your child's life you are an indispensable teacher.  The more you talk to your child, play with them and involve them in your world, the more they'll learn. 

But at the age of 3, they will begin to start thinking for themselves; what to play with, who to play with, and how to react when some child he doesn't know snatches his favourite toy. 

This period for a young child centres around learning those all important social skills: sharing, caring, table manners, saying please and thank you, making friends and having fun learning new activities.  But it's also a time for bigger challenges; maybe starting preschool or nursery, or something unimaginable - like welcoming a new sibling into the family.  This stage of parenting has so many rewards - and this section will help you enjoy each milestone as and when it happens.

First Aid

Acute Allergic Reaction - how to help All allergic reactions occur because the body's immune system reacts inappropriately in response to the presence of a substance that it wrongly perceives as a threat.

First Aid

Sunburn and Heat Exhaustion - what to do and when to seek help!
This wonderful weather is great, but it is extreme...

Social skills

Why young children lie
Young children tell lies for different reasons. So...

Growing up

Preparing your child for school
If your child has been attending a nursery for a c...


Dealing with fussy eaters
The tag ‘fussy eater’ can be attached ...

Growing up

Counting with your child
Being able to count up to ten before starting school might sound like a humble ambition, but it creates a wonderful starting block for understanding mathematics and visual comprehension.

Having Fun

Kids in Museums campaign
It all began in 2003 when writer Dea Birkett's son shouted "monster!" at a statue of Eagle Man at the Royal Academy in London, and got thrown out. Dea's subsequent article in The Guardian spurred hundreds of families to write in with similar experiences. A few months later, the Guardian launched its Kids in Museums Campaign along with a 20-point Manifesto.

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