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Baby Clinic

Whether you’re a new mum or you’ve just had your fourth baby, every parent can use some help when it comes to finding out the latest advice on breastfeeding or bottle feeding, colic, sleeping through the night, teething or weaning (just to mention a few)! 

There’s so much to think about, to worry about even, but helpful to know that many of these problems are being shared by hundreds of like-minded parents. So if you’re dreaming of sleep as you feed your newborn just one more time, and want to remind yourself that you are doing a brilliant job, tuck into this section to allay your fears and banish those anxieties.


Donating breast milk to Special Care Baby Units Many breastfeeding mothers, who find they have plentiful supply, donate their excess breast milk to the UK's 4 Milk Banks via the UKAMB charity.  There are a number of banks across the UK.


Best finger foods for your baby
You will need to be the best judge of when your ba...

Baby Celebrations

Baby showers
Putting the pamper into pregnancy...


Baby led weaning
Support for ‘baby-led’ weaning is grow...


Safe sleeping
There are few greater joys in the early months tha...


Overcoming breastfeeding problems
Although in the long run, breastfeeding is a wonderful experience for most mothers who try it, even the most determined breastfeeder can find it hard to get used to at first.

Baby Care

Buyers guide to nappy rash treatments
When your baby actually does have a rash it’s good to try to nip any outbreak in the bud. Sometimes changes of diet, teething and other shifts in habits can trigger a rash, so don’t feel you have failed your child – just catch it as early as you can.

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Forums: Baby

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