Pregnancy Clinic
Did your pregnancy dreams include visions of a neat rounded belly, and little kicks that made your heart flutter? While it's true that pregnancy has its share of wonderful moments and experiences to cherish, it also has a raft of less than fabulous pregnancy symptoms - including many you'd rather not discuss in public and many you'd probably like to forget (which you will, by the way, since forgetfulness is another symptom).
There are pregnancy symptoms you expected (like morning sickness – which also arrives in the evening) and symptoms you almost definitely didn't (like constipation, nosebleeds and bleeding gums). It's probably reassuring to know that you're not alone suffering these ailments - you're actually joining millions of other expectant women who are also wading their way through a different selection of pregnancy complaints. But it also helps to have some tried and true remedies at your (swollen) fingertips that will allow you to navigate around the majority of pregnancy grumbles.
Parties & Celebrations
Baby showers second time around Just because you might already have one or two children doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be treated to a baby shower.
Overseas travel during pregnancy
Although you might not intend to go on the most ad...
Maternity rights
The laws surrounding the rights of pregnant women ...
Labour & Birth
Premature babies
Everyone hopes their pregnancy will be uncomplicat...
Travel vaccinations in pregnancy
Although most women who are pregnant do not chose ...
Labour & Birth
Pain relief in labour
Whether breathing and meditation carry you through or you end up having an epidural, pain relief not only makes the labour and birth a more happy experience, it can also help reduce the risk of trauma. Don’t feel you have to be a hero, but do understand what the different kinds of pain relief can offer so that you can get a better picture of what might be best for you.
Parties & Celebrations
Planning a baby shower
Just like weddings, baby showers can be a major production if you set your heart on it. These days you can get matching baby shower party plates and cups, special flowers and cakes for the occasion plus personalised trinkets to mark the day.
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Re: Cranial massage
Clare, Mother of 2, London
Re: Has anyone tried Zita West's fertility supplements? Or what else worked for you?
Guider, Mother of 1, Leicestershire