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A-Z Children's Health

Keeping your baby and toddler safe and healthy is a big part of your parenting job (and not the easiest part, either!). Find out how you can treat those inevitable colds, coughs, bumps, and spills, and learn what you can expect from some of the most common childhood ailments.

Ear ache

Ear ache Ear ache is very common in children, and frequently associated with chest infections, coughs and colds.


Usually this is caused by common viruses such as '...


Most children will have at least six respiratory


Rubella is usually a mild illness and is often not...

Good Advice

Breast is best!
Because it is a food designed specifically for hum...

Fifth Disease

Fifth Disease
Epidemics often occur in schools, however Children are not particularly unwell.


Almost all children will get diarrhoea or vomiting at some stage, especially if taken to foreign countries on holiday.

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