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Nursery - Nasal Aspirators

4little1, Baby Nose-Clear

4little1, Baby Nose-Clear review

RRP: £7.29
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The Baby Nose-Clear removes the excess nasal mucus when baby has a cold, which could otherwise lead to secondary complications such as coughs, ear infections and stomach upsets. It also helps relieve the majority of snuffles that would otherwise interfere with breast or bottle feeding and sleeping. The aspirator has a reusable medical grade filter makes the whole process perfectly hygienic, and can be used on babies from birth.  NB: this is the only nasal aspirator which is available free from the NHS on prescription (so do ask your GP).  Otherwise available from Boots, Waitrose and other supermarkets.

Also available from 4little1 is a room vapour made from 100% natural aromatherapy oils including Lemon, Tea Tree and Pine.


Reviews in chronological order (Total 3 comments)

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  • Rating: 8.0 / 10
      gmb23, Mother of 3, Cheshire
    6 Jan 2011 10:47pm
    My son is 11 months and frequently has the "pipes" hanging from his nose. This device is easy to use, can clear the nostrils in only a few minutes. It's ideal that the suction can be controlled. It is very effective and is easy to clean.! And the handy box keeps everyting together for when you need it. I would reccommend for snotty noses
  • Rating: 7.5 / 10
      tulips, Wales
    6 Dec 2010 9:38pm
    First impressions of the Baby nose-clear were really good. I was genuinely impressed with the presentation as it arrived in a lovely blue box, with saline solution and room vapour. The device itself is small and easy to handle. The saline drops are effective and the room vapour has a strong Tea-Tree smell, but not too overpowering. Archie, who is currently 6 and half months old, actually enjoyed having his snotty nose sucked, well... after the initial battle of trying to get the device any where near his face, he was far more interested in grabbing the tube. He like the experience found it fun and flared his nostrils to aid me removing the mucus. He definitely wasn't fazed or upset by it. I'm asthmatic, and I must admit I did find it difficult to effectively use the product, a lot of sucking for little benefit. So I passed the task onto my partner, he's not asthmatic, but did comment it took a fair amount of puff.
  • Rating: 8.0 / 10
      vintage_blackberry, Mother of 1, Lancashire
    2 Dec 2010 11:00pm
    I found this device excellent for removing clear mucus from my toddlers nose, although thicker, white mucus proved a little more difficult and I used a tissue in the end to remove it. It's not too distressing for a toddler as you do not have to put it directly into the nostril, it works well just at the edge and I was surprised at how much clear mucus I caught with one suck on the aspirator.